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Architectural Review Board Minutes 11/22/2010
Regular Meeting
Monday, November 22, 2010 at 7:30 p.m.
Town Hall, 2nd Floor Conference Room
302 Main Street


Chair, Guy Pendleton, called the meeting to order at 7:32 P.M.


Attendant Members                               Absent Members
Theodore G. Pendleton, Chairman                 Arcangela Claffey, Secretary
Kingmon Snow, Jr., Regular Member
David Wight, Regular Member
Jonathan M. Gibbs, Vice Chairman, arrived at 8:15

Ben Akin, Board Candidate, arrived at 8:05

        Attendant Staff
        Pamela St. Clair, Recording Clerk


A.  “Hog Wild Smokin’ Cue,” Site Plan and Special Exception
76 Elm Street (Map 36/Lot 97) Shopping Center Business B-2 District
Applicant: Annello Brothers Realty, LLC Agent: Joe Wren
ACTION: Review and report to Zoning Commission

The Commission was presented with details requested at the previous meeting, November 18, in regard to parking lot lights, trash enclosure, garage overhang, and siding colors.

Parking lot lights will measure a height of twelve feet and will include recessed bulbs within fuller shields to minimize light spillage.

The proposed trash enclosure is a chain-link gate woven with vinyl slats. G. Pendleton suggested green slats that would blend in with the landscape.

The garage overhang has been scaled back from four to three feet with no side supports as previously presented.

The exterior is to include clay siding, cream trim, and 5 ½ -inch corner boards.

Two wall signs are proposed, one to be placed on the left—the Elm Street side—of the building and one on the east side above a window. In front will be a free-standing sign.

MOTION to recommend approval as submitted; MOVED by K. Snow; SECONDED by D. Wight; IN FAVOR: All; OPPOSED: None;  ABSTAINED: None;  APPROVED: 3-0-0.

A.      “Rio Café,” Wall Sign
        162 Main Street (Map 37/Lot 128) Central Business B-1 District
        Applicant: Robert Secchi
        ACTION: Review and report to Zoning Commission

        The Commission was presented with a mock-up of the proposed front wall sign. As the restaurant will be serving breakfast and lunch and will not be open at night, no lighting is proposed. Some graphics suggestions were offered to make the sign look less cluttered and be easier to read, such as changing the red text to white and moving it from the right-hand side to the bottom, as well as moving the mountain image to the right so as not to detract from the business name.

        MOTION to recommend approval with the stipulation that an equal amount of brick appear above and below the sign and with the understanding that graphics suggestions be considered; MOVED by D. Wight; SECONDED by G. Pendleton; IN FAVOR: All; OPPOSED: None;  ABSTAINED: None;  APPROVED: 4-0-0.


A.      Meeting Minutes

MOTION to approve the minutes of November 8, 2010 as submitted.   MOVEDby G. Pendleton; SECONDED by K. Snow; IN FAVOR: All; OPPOSED: None; ABSTAINED: J. Gibbs; APPROVED: 3-0-0.

B.      Correspondence


  •      Committee, Representative & Staff Reports
                J. Gibbs noted that he is awaiting follow-up from Christine Nelson regarding the article announcing the Design Excellence Awards in the Events Calendar.

                MOTION to adjourn the meeting at 8: 58 p.m. until the next regularly scheduled meeting on Monday, December 13, 2010, at 7:30 p.m. at the Old Saybrook Town Hall, 2nd Floor              Conference Room, 302 Main Street. MOVED by G. Pendleton; SECONDED by K. Snow; IN FAVOR: All; OPPOSED: None; ABSTAINED: None; APPROVED: 4-0-0.

Respectfully Submitted,

Pamela St. Clair
ARB Clerk